


Espria offers communications solutions that can adapt to any business environment and needs. We’re here to support your needs for now and the future and make our recommendations based on over 25 years as a managed business solutions provider and we take the time to really understand your pain points and how we can support you for your future growth. Coupled with the communications solutions you need, we are able to recommend the accessories that will help your teams perform their roles within your organisation.

Espria Communications have a few different handsets available, so we are confident you will find something to suit your requirements. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call and a member of our friendly team will be able to help.


Features & Benefits

Digital Phones

VoIP Phones

Dect Handsets and Headsets

Dect Products


Digital Phones

Digital phones can be used with your traditional phone lines, so there’s no need to upgrade your whole solution and you can benefit from better technology without replacing the whole system.

Digital phones are the next step for the traditional office phone system. These phones still use traditional phone lines but convert the analogue sound of your voice into a digital signal. Ideal for upgrading your phone system to receive a better quality of telecommunications.

Our digital phones are great because not only do they look good, but they are also manufactured to the highest standard with the latest technology. This allows your business to step to the forefront of communications without a sizeable price tag.


Digital Phones

Chris Kuhnel
speak to an expert


Highly skilled at identifying your telecommunication needs, Chris understands evolving technologies that will support your changing business needs.

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We create ‘simple’, cohesive solutions that transform our clients’ business operations. Whatever your goals, we are here to help you achieve them. So get in touch and start your IT digital transformation today.


Our Other Services

IT Services

IT performance that creates seamless and secure solutions robustly providing the business continuity you need.

Cloud Services

Accelerate your performance and agility with Cloud Services that enables your business to benefit from maximum up-time, and no disruption.


Telecommunications propelled by the cloud, keeping your teams collaborating seamlessly, efficiently and securely.

Hybrid & Remote Working

Wherever they work, your teams are supported with seamless, effective and highly productive IT solutions,