We know the workplace has changed potentially irrevocably forever. The BBC reported in August 2020 that 37% of people would be working remotely post pandemic whilst in China, employment expert Alicia Tung has predicated in 10 years’ time, the split would be more like 40% toward remote working.
So many businesses may be thinking that the need for their multifunctional devices or workplace printers has diminished considerably, however, it may not be widely known exactly how much a multifunctional device can actually support hybrid working.
The tools your remote teams need with multifunctional printers
MFD’s or multifunctional devices are actually integrated with every functionality that your remote or hybrid working teams need to support their collaborative work. Along with that, Xerox in particular have created so many incredible apps that support teams with so many different features.
As businesses we need to consider: what is it that your hybrid teams need?
- Send and receive documents from scan to email
- Mobile capabilities
- Print jobs scheduled
- Digital documents instantly accessed
- Archive search functionality
These are just some of the things your hybrid working teams need and a multifunctional printer can assist those remote teams in feeling like they’re in the office!
The implementation of digital technology has accelerated considerably as a result of the pandemic, and this has meant that hybrid working teams can work wherever they need to. However, this has not been without its complications. Often teams can feel lonely so being able to work in a hybrid environment accommodates the need to balance home life with having the option of working in the office too.
How will you use multifunctional devices to make remote work easier?
Combing a strong document management strategy using multifunctional devices will support your business operations to ensure that your teams can work seamless, efficiently and securely as MFD’s can deliver real benefits to your hybrid teams:
- Digital cloud-enabled workflows- the digitisation of paper through multifunctional devices
- Cloud Print infrastructure-supporting print capabilities from wherever your teams work
- Touchless tech-keep your office bound teams safe with touchless printing
These a just some of the benefits of your MFD’s in the hybrid working environment to create the workflows that your teams need to accommodate them and the future of your business.
Digital cloud-enabled workflows with Cloud printing capabilities support the hybrid working teams of the future.