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Anwen Haynes

Cloud Communications benefits your customer service teams

Cloud Communications benefits your customer service teams

In Short

Customers are more intuitive and demanding now than they ever have been. They expect excellent customer service (and rightly so!), desiring live chat and real time communications.

Whilst CRM’s (Customer Relationship Management software), live chat and help desk solutions all contribute to a positive customer experience, these separate systems and technologies can equally create unnecessary barriers and potentially harm the relationship you have with your customers.

It’s exceedingly important therefore to connect these siloed applications to create more seamless operations so that your customer service experience is improved and taken to the next level and that’s where cloud communications can support you.


Amalgamating video chat, audio and mobile capabilities, Unified Communications can be utilised from any location therefore supporting the hybrid working model for your customer services, supporting more productive work from your teams as they can handle calls wherever they are. Unified Comms allows you to connect with all parts of your business and all of this culminates ultimately in a great experience for all your customers.

Customers are more intuitive and demanding now than they ever have been. They expect excellent customer service (and rightly so!), desiring live chat and real time communications.

The Key Components of Unified Communications




The flexibility of the cloud supports use of all your devices to make and receive calls using the web, a server, and a phone. The user-friendly application is supported by the web, allowing full administrative rights to manage calls and monitor call performance. This is far more convenient than any phone line and is far more convenient to use.

VoIP-Voice over the internet protocol, supports digital information to travel through the internet rather than traditional phone lines. This not only significantly reduces your cost, but it also means that your teams can make multiple phone calls wherever they are, as long as they have an internet connection.




Messaging features were typically a separate feature from most solutions; however, Cloud Communications has integrated this feature allowing it to be more dynamic. Users are able to manage multiple chats and switch between different elements of cloud communication as and when needed. Not only does this support internal team comms, but also means that your customers can enjoy any mode of conversation utilising SMS, phone call, Twitter DM, or Facebook messenger.


Sharing files


This is imperative in modern business and one that remote and hybrid working has hindered. Being able to simultaneously work on multiple tasks, complete projects and communicating with multiple people is supported in unified communications regardless of the locations of your teams. This creates the seamless operations you need for your customers.


Sharing screens


We’ve all probably got use to this haven’t we over the last few years, well Unified Comms supports file sharing, meaning you can see each other’s emails, spreadsheets, photos or files-whatever is on their screen, in real time considerably increasing collaboration and improving the time on decision making.


Video Conferencing


As the pandemic hit, we all got used to this function and this is certainly a feature of unified communications. Your remote teams can join conferences via laptop, tablet, or smartphone wherever they are without any disruption to themselves, your business, or your customers.




This is an incredibly valuable feature. With presence you are able to see who’s available, who’s offline, busy, out of the office. It can be used on desktop, mobile, and UC and this enables a far more seamless approach to your customer services. This function is provided by SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and with this feature, you can see who you can utilise at that given moment to support your customers.


Cloud Communications is supporting businesses to transition to far more modern working practises (particularly for the hybrid working environment) to create the seamless, productive operations that businesses need.

By supporting your teams with these multiple tools, means not only your teams will feel supported in their working practises, but ultimately, your customers experience will be a positive one.


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