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Anwen Haynes

Cloud Services: Making your work flow and keeping your business secure in a new world of work

Cloud Services: Making your work flow and keeping your business secure in a new world of work

In Short

Since the pandemic, with the re-opening of offices and amenities, there has been a definitive shift with how people work.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that business can function anywhere, and whilst it is so important that people return to the office, not only for team bonding and collaboration, but we have also all learnt that we can perform our jobs at home or anywhere remotely.


Therefore, traditional operations are no longer viable for businesses as people demand the flexibility to perform their roles. Many are now using cloud-based services to support the growing demand for collaborative tools that can support work anywhere.


What Cloud Services will help me?


This really is like saying, ‘how long is a piece of string?’


Cloud Services have been growing in capability over several years and those that engaged with the digital transformation were ultimately totally prepared for lockdown. But if you are still unsure as to what you need, here’s our breakdown of what Cloud Services we think would benefit your teams.


Email Security

Unified Communications

Your communications systems are ultimately so important to your business; they encompass your entire infrastructure. It is imperative that your communications systems support your teams in their day-to-day activities. Legacy communication systems and PBX equipment no longer support today’s growing need for a simple, flexible and mobile end-user communications experience.

Unified Communications combine multiple tools including:

  • Voice
  • Video
  • Team messaging
  • Content Sharing

UC allows your business to be agile and fluid and keeps your teams flexible and efficient. Why not read our case study on how we helped a client to implement Unified Comms?

Document Management

Make your work flow smoothly, seamlessly and securely, digitally. As a secure software, all documents that would normally be physical can now become digital, meaning that regardless of where your teams are working, no process is held up by teams in different locations. Invoice processes are improved, documents can be stored and indexed, alleviating physical space, and, regardless of your function in the business, it will support all your processes. Why not read our case study on how we supported the implementation of Document Management?

Cloud Printing

You may think this is a contradiction in terms, but yes, cloud printing really does exist!

Whilst document management and unified comms ultimately assist the flow of work for teams in multiple locations, you are going to have office-based teams, and they will still need to print!

Cloud printing is ultimately secure and supports your covid protection of your teams. Your office teams can use touchless printing and your mobile teams can print anywhere from tablet and smartphone straight to your office.

Supporting your GDPR compliancy, printer drivers, print queues and print processes are all managed centrally. It means that any recovery from failure is fast as print drivers are always available – and business continuity is ensured.

The key benefits of Cloud Services

  • Security – since the rise in the pandemic of remote working, the risk of cyber attacks has increased significantly, as gaps in our security are leveraged by hackers, cloud services allows for 2–factor authentication, data encryption, for your files and networks, and by ensuring you have a secure VPN keeps your business and your precious data secure.
  • Flexibility – Being able to log on and work anywhere has been key during the pandemic. Cloud Services provide the real-time collaboration that your business needs with the multiple tools we have discussed here.
  • High productivity – Unified Communications and Document Management all provide the tools that allow high levels of productivity, regardless of team location. Work is not held up; your professional persona is retained, and work is completed faster and more efficiently.

Cloud Services are quickly being adopted by businesses to remain secure and to keep their business fluid and productive. If you need help with your digital transformation journey, then do please get in touch. You may not need all these services, you may only need elements; whatever your goals, we are here to help you.

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